Ayurvedic Treatment For Migraine: A Comprehensive Guide

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Migraine is an acute pulsing headache that affects the forehead and the sides of the head. It can be a painful sensation that lasts for a few hours at best, and at worst, it can last for days, causing various health problems. Migraines are generally extremely painful, and they can get worse over time. People suffering from migraines become more sensitive to light and sound, making the pain worse when exposed to them.

Other side effects of migraine include nausea, confusion, seizures, and numbness. While modern medication helps to deal with the pain and the side effects, natural treatment alternatives such as Ayurveda addresses the root cause of migraine. In this blog, we will discuss 6 Ayurvedic treatments for migraines that you can incorporate into your daily life and maintain your well-being.

A] What Is Ayurveda? Ayurveda Unveiled

Ayurveda is a traditional form of medicine that originated in ancient India. The philosophy of Ayurveda is to maintain balance in your life to avoid and treat illnesses. It is a holistic and completely natural form of treatment; hence everyone can benefit from Ayurveda without worrying about negative side effects. As a result, Ayurveda is gaining popularity, not just in India, but all over the world as an effective alternative medicine. Ayurveda also considers the patient’s body, mind, and soul; hence, Ayurveda also addresses underlying mental health issues that could cause migraines. Unlike modern medicines, Ayurvedic treatment of migraines offers long-term relief and prevention by cleaning toxins from the body, improving lifestyle, and boosting the immune system.

B] What Is Migraine Headache? A Detailed Overview Of Migraines

Migraines cause head-splitting pain affecting all aspects of your life. Migraines can be caused by a variety of factors, most of which are either genetic or environmental. Some common causes of Migraines include hormonal changes, lack of sleep, poor diet, stress, exhaustion, and changes in weather.

Most people who suffer from migraines experience mood swings, neck stiffness, constipation, etc., a couple of days before a migraine attack, this is known as prodrome. The next stage is migraine aura, occurring right before or during migraine. Migraine aura can cause vision loss, difficulty speaking, and numbness. Once you recover from a migraine, you could be left exhausted and need a few days to recover.

C] The Types Of Ayurvedic Treatments For Migraine

1. Panchakarma therapy

Panchakarma therapy
Panchakarma therapy is a migraine treatment in Ayurveda for clearing toxins from the body. Panchakarma offers relief from migraines by clearing toxins from the brain and various organs of the body. This therapy aims to improve gut health and sleep and decrease stress, anxiety, and other nerve problems. Some of the common methods of panchakarma therapy include oil massage and sweating therapy. Panchakarma nourishes the mind and the body so you can deal with migraines better. If you are looking for holistic panchakarma therapy to clean your body of toxins, check out our Panchakarma therapy treatment in India.

2. Yoga

Yoga and meditation
Yoga is a form of physical exercise that combines various breathing techniques, bodyweight training, and stretching. Yoga aims at improving the physical health and mental health of an individual to help them live a balanced life.

Research has shown that people who practice yoga regularly have a reduced frequency of migraines. Yoga poses that promotes blood flow to the brain especially helps with preventing migraine. Child’s pose, downward-facing dog, and the bridge pose are some of the asanas that you can try. If you are looking to take a break from your hectic life to learn and practice yoga in peace, book our wellness retreat packages.

3. Nasya

Nasya therapy refers to the detoxification and cleaning of the nostrils and sinuses. In this therapy, the herbal oil preparations are administered through the nostrils to clean the excess mucus from the respiratory tract. Nasya therapy clears the ear, nose, throat, and head.

It is an effective way to prevent migraines. In addition, it also cures anxiety and other health problems related to excess mucus without any side effects. The oils directly affect the nerve endings situated inside the nostrils.

4. Shirodhara

Shirodhara therapy

Shirodhara is one of the best ayurvedic treatments for migraine headaches. For this treatment, a stream of warm oil is poured over the patient’s forehead. A light cloth is placed on your brows to prevent oil from entering your eyes.

This therapy helps to strengthen your nervous system. This therapy could also include a scalp massage that is extremely calming and helps you refresh your mind. Shirodhara therapy helps deal with various conditions, such as insomnia, anxiety, PTSD, jet lag, and high blood pressure. Check out our blog about the advantages of Shirodhara therapy to learn more about the process.

5. Regular Exercise And Relaxation

Regular Exercise And Relaxation
People who are active and exercise regularly often experience less frequent migraines. Regular exercise allows the body to create endorphins, which are natural pain relievers. These can improve your mood, blood circulation, digestion, and breathing.

In addition to exercising, it is also important to relax to let your bones and muscles recover. Maintaining your mind and body’s health can be a crucial factor in preventing migraines.

6. Sleep Enhancement

Sleep deprivation is one of the biggest causes of chronic migraine headaches. Patients who want to reduce their frequency of migraine attacks should definitely focus more on having a strict sleep schedule.

Ayurvedic sleep enhancement programs can be great at improving sleep and treating sleep-related issues such as insomnia. These programs can help you overcome poor sleep habits and learn how to create optimal sleep conditions.

Art therapy is a highly personalised technique and helps in healing emotions. An individual can decide on the medium of art and the therapeutic approach. The therapy doesn’t determine the good, bad or ugly it helps an individual express and generate insights from it.

D] How Safe Is Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurvedic treatment does not involve chemically manufactured medicines, instead, it focuses on lifestyle improvement. As a result, these treatments do not have adverse side effects. These are administered by trained professionals and can be tailored to individuals’ requirements.

However, some treatments such as Shirodhara and Nasya can be harmful for people with allergies, pregnant people, and people suffering from certain secondary conditions. We understand the seriousness of this issue; hence, our wellness centre in India has a detailed questionnaire that collects all health-related information from our guests. We provide treatments based on this information and offer alternatives for those who can’t go through them.


Ayurvedic treatments can offer significant relief from chronic and acute migraines. Ayurveda helps to balance the mind, body, and soul, which helps to manage the triggers of migraines, such as stress, sleep deprivation, nerve issues, and poor digestion.

By incorporating Ayurvedic principles into your daily routine, you can experience long-term relief from migraines. Contact us today to book a retreat to Fazlani Nature’s Nest for a holistic solution for managing migraines. You can email us at reservations@staging.fazlaninaturesnest.com or call 7700070070 to book your personalised retreat.

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