Detoxification Phases and Methods: Here’s All You Need to Know

Detoxification Methods and Phases

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It seems everyone is talking about ‘detox’ or considering a ‘cleanse’, as we have departed from the ways of nature and are exposed to undeniable toxicity of the planet such as global warming. Today, the air we breathe, the foods we eat, the water we drink, and the daily products we use are loaded with toxic chemicals that alone or in combination cause suffering, diseases, or even death.


Moreover, about 25,000 new toxins are added to our environment every year. Even with a healthy diet and a low amount of caffeine and alcohol, we are slammed with a combination of toxins and chemicals day in and day out. When we remove these substances and add what’s lacking, our bodies bounce back to good health and protect themselves from potential harm.


Detoxification: A Key to Healthy Life

About eight hours after eating our last meal, the processes of digestion, absorption, and assimilation are completed and our body enters into detoxification mode. The term ‘detox’ can conjure up thoughts of juice cleanses and hard-to-follow regimes; however, it is a biological process that the body performs using nutrients from the diet to eliminate waste or toxins.

Phases of Detoxification: How Does Your Body Cleanse?

Our body has many built-in detoxification organs such as the liver, kidneys, skin, and colon. There are three phases of the detoxification process that need to work effectively, given the toxic overload of modern life.


Phase I: The first phase of the detoxification process occurs in the liver that helps transform dangerous, lipid-soluble molecules into less harmful compounds which are easier to excrete. Phase I occurs mainly due to a group of enzymes called cytochrome p450 that enable the transformation of harmful substances through the chemical processes of oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, and cyclization. Many nutrients such as a variety of vitamins including A, B, and C, amino acids, zinc, and flavonoids play a role in phase I of detoxification. The deficiency of these nutrients along with liver damage and certain toxicants can impair the activity of enzymes and reduce the ability of the liver to detoxify.


Phase II: The second phase of detoxification involves the process of conjugation i.e., the addition of a chemical group to a by-product of phase I, making the substance water soluble and subsequently less harmful. These substances are then excreted through the kidneys and intestines via urine and bile. Each process of phase II requires specific nutrients, especially amino acids, which can be obtained from our diet. The deficiency of these nutrients can impair phase II detoxification, which can cause the build-up of phase I substances resulting in tissue damage and inflammation.


Phase III: The third phase of detoxification refers to a highly concentrated transport (anti-porter) system of proteins in the body. It helps move toxins or unwanted compounds out of the cell and into detoxification organs. A healthy diet and microbiome are keys to the success of this system. Phase III may be compromised due to gut inflammation, resulting in stress and inflammatory bowel disease.

Signs That You Need to Detox Your Body

Each person’s ability to detoxify may differ and is influenced by diet, lifestyle, health status, environment, and genetic factors. It suggests that some people may require more detoxification support than others. Detox methods also help ease several health conditions and make one feel better and more energized. Here are some signs that you need a detox.


1. Feeling Unwell: If you often experience fatigue, headaches, or body pain, and especially if you notice that you have problems with digestion, it is time to think about detoxification and cleansing your body. Indigestion and other health issues may be due to the poor performance of your detoxification organs. Supporting these organs and their processes can help the body focus on processing nutrients better and improve overall health.


2. Wanting to Lose Weight: Detoxification is one of the important processes to jumpstart your weight loss journey. Consuming a controlled portion of a healthy diet allows your body to flush out more toxins and aids in weight loss. Some detox methods also help the body burn fats faster and shed water weight, thus helping you achieve your weight goals.


3. Addiction to Unhealthy Foods: Sweet treats or foods rich in carbohydrates, as well as alcohol, can be addictive and bad for your health. If you are constantly craving for and consuming these foods, you may gain weight or put yourself at risk of high blood pressure. Detoxification eliminates any processed sugar and carb-rich foods and helps you control your eating habits.


4. Heavy Metal Poisoning: Today, we are exposed to contaminated food, water, industrial chemicals, and other possible metal sources which accumulate toxic metals in our bodies, putting us at risk of heavy metal poisoning. Various methods supporting the body’s natural detoxification process can help flush these toxic metals out of our bodies.

Four Methods to Support Your Body’s Detoxification Process

Detoxification support does not need to include a rigorous plan; following these four methods can support your body’s detoxification process.

  • Drink plenty of water: Staying hydrated with clean water supports the ability of the kidneys to flush out toxins. We have different needs for water based on body size, the amount of sweat released, caffeine consumption, and electrolyte status. Drinking enough water thus helps balance these factors and boost detoxification.
  • Eat a balanced, nutritious diet: Returning to the natural way of eating, unlike modern foods in supermarkets which are loaded with chemicals, preservatives, and conservatives, is the best way to avoid the accumulation of toxins in the body and disease. It helps improve the detoxification process and keeps the weight off.
  • Practice yoga: Practicing yoga or exercising regularly allows toxins to leave our body through the skin via sweating. These practices get the blood flowing and breathing deeply, thus allowing toxins to leave through the lungs too.
  • Sleep well: Many body processes, especially detoxification, happen during sleeping hours. Therefore, getting enough, high-quality sleep is important for both daily detox and recovering from any toxin-related illnesses.


Fazlani Natures Nest provides an optimal environment for detoxification coupled with effective methods to help you regain your full energy and health. Contact us today if you need support during detox.

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