Potli Massage Therapy: A Traditional Healing Technique

Potli Massage Therapy

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When we think of relaxing, a long massage comes to mind that can drive the fatigue away and relax the body. There are many types of massages, and each has varied effects on the body. The age-old philosophy about Potli massages informs that the therapy merges the elements of fire and water with specific herbs. It helps to relieve stress, reduce pain, and nourish the skin. There are certain techniques with which the massage is carried out to provide numerous benefits. Now, if you’re wondering what is Potli massage then this guide will help you explore it further.

Experiencing Potli Massage at Wellness Retreats

Wellness retreats offer physical, spiritual, and psychological activities for mental peace and well-being. Wellness retreats are a form of detox to revitalize the body and mind. 


The experience of Potli massage is a part of ayurvedic panchakarma treatment, which is highly recommended for people with joint pain, anxiety and sleep disorders, obesity and gynaecological problems. Ayurvedic Potli massage therapies mainly focus on the senses of touch, smell, or vision. Moreover, the ambience during this massage and the use of different herbs contribute to the overall soothing experience. 


The combination of heat and massage relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation throughout the body, which relieves pain. The aroma of different herbs minimises the release of different stress hormones, enhancing and uplifting mood. Additionally, it also helps to improve sleep and balance energies, which certainly helps to provide a healthy glow to the skin.

How Does Potli Massage Work?

Potli massage, also known as Potli therapy, is an ancient Indian healing technique. It involves the use of herbal poultice (Potlis) filled with a blend of medicinal herbs such as turmeric, neem, ashwagandha, tesu flower, and rasna leaves, which are mixed with different types of oils made of camphor, rosemary, and eucalyptus. Further, these heated Potlis are gently massaged over the body, applying pressure and warmth to particular areas. 


The main goal of this therapy is to stimulate the blood circulation, relieve muscle tension, and promote relaxation and detoxification. The herbal ingredients within the Potlis offer their therapeutic properties, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the massage and making it a holistic and rejuvenating experience for overall well-being.

The Step-By-Step Procedure For Ayurvedic Potli Massage

Step 1: Preparation

The bundle of herbs is created using cotton or muslin cloth. In Sanskrit, it is known as ‘Potali’. Different types of herbs are mixed with oils and salts, which are tied together in a Potli. The oils are infused with herbs depending on the requirements of the recipient. 

Step 2: Warming the Potli

Potli can be warmed through various methods. It can be heated by steam, dry sand, or ayurvedic powder. Alternatively, the Potli can also be soaked in medicated oil to heat it. To ensure the safety and comfort of the recipient, the practitioner at wellness retreats takes extra precautions to avoid overheating the Potli, which may cause burns.

Step 3: Applying Potli on the Body

Often, it starts with applying warm herbal oil to the body after the recipient is relaxed and comfortable. It makes the skin more receptive to the Herbal Potli massage. The massage therapist then uses the Potli to gently rub or press along specific areas. 

Step 4: Massage Strokes and Techniques

Pressure points are meridians or energy centers in the body that need attention. The Potli is rubbed or pressed along these pressure points, where the practitioner uses circular or rhythmic motions. The pressure of the massage varies depending on the needs and aim of the treatment. 

Step 5: Repeat And Relaxation

The Potli is reheated several times during the period of the massage to maintain its effectiveness. Once the process is done, the recipient is given time to relax and let their body absorb the herbal benefits. Thereafter, a warm bath or shower is advised post-massage to wash off residual oil.

Benefits of Potli Massage Therapy

Pain Relief

Among the many benefits of Potli massage, pain relief is the most prominent and common of them all. People with diseases like arthritis or joint pain find this therapy extensively beneficial. The herbal Potli provides warmth, which can help alleviate the pain and promote improved joint mobility. 

Stress Reduction

Combining the aroma of herbs and the massage technique helps create a relaxing ambience. It helps to reduce the release of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline which relaxes the body completely.

Improved Blood Circulation

The different techniques used in the massage release tension from the muscles. It improves the circulation of blood throughout the body. The easy flow of nutrients and oxygen through the bloodstream improves the recipient’s health.  


Potli is made of herbs and oils infused with detoxifying properties. Massaging with it aids in eliminating the toxins from the body, improving overall well-being and providing a healthy glow. 

Skin Rejuvenation

Potli massage therapy helps to release toxins which can improve skin health. The enhanced blood flow and improved microcirculation promotes healthy skin, while the medicinal oils in the Potli nourish the skin and improve its texture and glow.

Improved Sleep

Sleep deprivation is among the most prominent issues many individuals face, especially working professionals. However, most recipients of this therapy suffer from insomnia or other sleep-related ailments. Ayurvedic Potli massage improves sleep due to its soothing properties. 

Choosing a Wellness Retreat Offering Potli Massage

Potli massage is a part of Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment; choosing a center and a treatment plan that suits your requirements plays a vital role. Choosing a center that doesn’t match your spiritual, physical, and psychological needs will get you stuck.


Choosing the right wellness retreat means keeping in mind a few things before your research. Online research should be conducted about the wellness retreat center before making any bookings. Social media websites and customer reviews are some of the many ways in which you can confirm the authenticity of the wellness retreat center.

Remember, before booking, that the location of the wellness retreat center should be feasible to travel to. Since the main focus is the improvement of health and well-being, you have to focus on the environment of the center. See that it is peaceful and provides services efficiently. Fazlani’s Nature Nest is a wellness retreat center in India that offers different wellness packages. You can select the one that fits your budget. You should also verify that the duration of the package and your accommodation preferences match your idea. Also, people are often confused about the questions to ask during booking, so here are some to help you smoothly make a booking.

Questions to Ask When Booking

Listed below are questions that you should ask yourself before choosing a retreat:

  • What is the duration of the Potli Massage session?
  • How does Potli Massage align with the overall wellness philosophy of the retreat?
  • What qualifications and certifications do the therapists conducting Potli Massage hold?
  • Can you provide information about the experience and expertise of the therapists?
  • Can I receive a detailed retreat itinerary, including the timing of Potli Massage sessions?
  • How does Potli Massage fit into the overall daily schedule of activities?
  • Is Potli Massage offered as a one-on-one experience or in group sessions?
  • Is Potli Massage included in the retreat package, or is it an additional cost?
  • Can I inform the retreat of any dietary restrictions or preferences I have, especially if meals are included in the program?
  • What is the retreat’s cancellation policy, including any penalties or refund terms for changes or cancellations to your booking?


Potli massage has continued to be a timeless ancient Indian ayurvedic technique to promote holistic health. Fazlani’s Nature Nest is well-known for offering Potli massages separately or as a part of panchakarma therapy. As one of the best naturopathy resorts near Mumbai, they focus on bringing balance and harmony to the patients. Their packages can help you restore mental peace and physical health. 

So, if you want to embark on a journey of self-discovery and holistic healing, you can make reservations via email at reservations@staging.fazlaninaturesnest.com or call 7700070070. Book now to start your journey.

Further Read: Naturopathy Guide: What It Is, Types of Therapies & Benefits


Yes! As far as it is administered by experts, Potli massage is safe. However, you can consult professionals for accurate decisions.

A Potli massage session can last anywhere between 30-90 minutes. It depends on the recipient’s need for a full body or focused massage. 

Potli massage helps several health conditions like arthritis, joint pain, slipped discs, paralysis, insomnia, skin and hair problems, stress, and anxiety.

It is best to discuss your allergies to certain herbs or oils before starting the massage, as it might adversely affect your skin. Avoid taking the massage entirely if you have fresh injuries or open wounds. People might experience detoxification effects like nausea, headache, and fatigue. These symptoms are temporary.

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